Custom lightning template record page with collapsing region — Admin can code too!

Alexandre THIZY
5 min readJan 2, 2020


Beginning of 2018, when I’ve started to study the move to lightning in my main client, we had a business requirement saying that the record pages should have a collapsible side bar.

We were novice with custom lightning template pages but we decided to make a proof of concept with one if my favorite developer (Lukasz, if you read this, this is for you :). Victor, you are also one if my fav but we didn’t have the chance to work together on this topic ;-) ).

Where I was? Ah yes, the PoC!

After some times, the result was good for end users but not easy to configure for an admin and to maintain for a developer.
In parallel, the business had changed his mind and did not want this requirement for the move to lightning but probably later.

End of 2019, when I was searching a solution described in my previous article, I’ve found something directly in the Salesforce developper blog site: Making a Record page with collapsing regions written by Heather Dykstra.

Lets try it by creating a New custom template record page and use it for the account record page.

  • Step 1: Create a new Lightning component (Custom Record Template Page with Collapsing Region) with the following code:


<aura:component implements="lightning:recordHomeTemplate" description="Full-width header above a main column and collapsible right sidebar."><aura:attribute name="header" type="Aura.Component[]" description="Header region"/>
<aura:attribute name="main" type="Aura.Component[]" description="Main region"/>
<aura:attribute name="sidebar" type="Aura.Component[]" description="Collapsible sidebar region"/>
<aura:attribute name="isSidebarCollapsed" type="Boolean" access="PRIVATE" default="false" /><div>
<lightning:layout class="slds-m-top_medium">
<lightning:layoutItem flexibility="auto">
<lightning:layoutItem flexibility="no-flex">
<lightning:buttonIcon onclick ="{!c.toggleSection}"
class="design-allow-interaction toggle slds-p-around_xxx-small slds-m-horizontal_xx-small"
iconName="{! v.isSidebarCollapsed ? 'utility:chevronleft' : 'utility:chevronright' }"
alternativeText="{! v.isSidebarCollapsed ? 'Expand Sidebar' : 'Collapse Sidebar' }" />
<lightning:layoutItem class="{! v.isSidebarCollapsed ? ' slds-hide' : '' }" size="4">


toggleSection : function(component, event, helper) {
component.set('v.isSidebarCollapsed', !component.get('v.isSidebarCollapsed'));

<design:component label="Header and Collapsible Right Sidebar">
<flexipage:region name="header" defaultWidth="LARGE" />
<flexipage:region name="main" defaultWidth="MEDIUM" />
<flexipage:region name="sidebar" defaultWidth="SMALL" />


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  • Step 2: Use this new record page template and check the result

Using Lightning app builder, create a new record page for account:

Save and Activate this new page for a dedicated App or set it as the Org default.

Open an existing record and voilà :

Expand mode
Collapse mode

As David Liu@sfdc99 said, “Admin can code”, so you can code too!




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